What is the prefix of the bot?
HUGE uses Slash Commands so the prefix is always /
, this prefix cannot be changed as it is a Discord feature, when using /
the Discord client will show you a list of commands and the arguments required to use the command, try it using /help
Command list does not appear
Check that you have invited the bot from an official link, either from our website or from the Add to server button found in the bot's profile within the Discord client.
Check that you have Slash Commands enabled on your server.
Songs stop without warning
Check the origin of your song, if the song is from SoundCloud, it may require SoundCloud Go+, a feature that music bots do not have access to.
I get an error when playing some songs from Spotify
Spotify songs depend on another service to be able to be played, if the song is not available on this service, the bot will show you that it has not been possible to play the song.