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Getting started


This documentation is under development.

Huge is an all-in-one Discord bot mainly focused on enjoying your favorite songs with your friends.

Adding Huge to your Discord guild

Invite Huge to your Discord guild using this link, then select the server you want to invite the bot to.

Invite Preview


If you see that the server you want the bot to join to does not appear in the dropdown, it means that you do not have the necessary permissions.

  • Manage Server

If you are not the administrator of the server, or do not have administration permissions and do not have all the permissions that Huge needs to operate correctly, some functions will not work optimally, see permissions overview section

Permissions overview

Manage ServerAllows Huge to switch Voice Channel regions when ping is not the best (/fix).
Manage RolesRequired for the Auto Role function and the /role command.
Manage ChannelsIt is required for the operation of Temporal Voice Channels.
Create Instant InviteAllow creating Activities on Voice Channels.
Manage WebhooksAllow create WebHooks managed by Huge to upcoming features.
View ChannelsAllows Huge to see the voice channel you want it to connect to, if the channel is private, you need to give this permission to the @Huge role within the channel's permissions.
Moderate MembersRequired for use of Stage Channels, Temporal Voice Channels operation, and the /timeout command.
Send MessagesRequired for the proper functioning of the music player widget.
Create Private ThreadsUpcoming ticket system.
Send TTS Messages*For the TTS command.
Manage MessagesRequired for the proper functioning of the music player widget and the functioning of Temporal Voice Channels.
Embed LinksDo you see the box-shaped (embed) messages so cool? Without this permission they would not be possible. (/queue, /collections list)
Attach FilesRequired for the /export command.
Use External EmojisHuge uses some external emojis to make everything look more personalized.
ConnectHow would Huge connect to the voice channels then?
SpeakWithout this Huge could connect to the voice channel... but you wouldn't hear him.
Mute MembersRequired for the Temporal Voice Channels feature and the use of Stage Channels.
Deafen MembersTo save resources, Huge mutes itself on the Discord side, making the bot unable to hear you, thus saving bandwidth on the bot's side.
Move MembersRequired for the Temporal Voice Channels feature and the use of Stage Channels.
Use Voice ActivityRequired for the Temporal Voice Channels feature and the use of Stage Channels.
Priority SpeakerRequired for the Temporal Voice Channels feature and the use of Stage Channels.
Request To SpeakRequired for the use of Stage Channels.

Permissions marked with (*) are optional.

Understanding how Huge works

Follow this documentation to get the most out of Huge on your server! Why don't we start by learning how to listen to your favorite songs?